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Transforming Lives with Personalized Nutrition

Benefits of Plant-based Diets

Our bodies can support an omnivorous diet, which means we may consume most of the items found in nature, including animals and vegetables. However, many people choose to follow a specific diet, like a plant-based one.

People adopt plant-based diets for various reasons. These include health conditions, religious views, concerns about animal life and safety, concerns about using antibiotics and hormones in animal foods, or a desire to eat in a way that minimizes the use of environmental resources.

Historically, studies on plant-based diets have focused on potential nutritional inadequacies. More recently, research has found that following a plant-based diet, or at least reducing the intake of some animal foods, can have many health benefits. According to several health associations worldwide, including the American Dietetic Association, a plant-based diet is nutritionally sufficient. When properly planned, it provides excellent health advantages in preventing and treating certain diseases.

The key phrase is "properly planned." Some plant-based diets are beneficial, and vegetarianism is not synonymous with health. It may only be advantageous for you if you follow appropriate nutrition guidance. As with any diet, a high intake of processed foods can lead to weight gain, among other health-related issues. Just be careful not to replace meat with highly processed meat substitutes or "vegan junk food" like sodas, vegan pizzas, or candies. Even if they're free of animal ingredients, there might be better options than eating those foods daily. It is okay to have them every once in a while. The goal is to include high-quality, nutrient-dense plant-based foods, such as fruits, veggies, seeds, pulses, nuts, and whole grains.

Types of plant-based diets: 

Vegan – excludes all foods of animal origin, eggs, and dairy products. 

Ovo-vegetarian – includes eggs in the diet.

Lacto-vegetarian – includes dairy and its sub-products, such as milk, cheese, and yogurt.

Lacto-ovo-vegetarian – includes eggs, dairy, and its sub-products.

Flexitarians – occasionally enjoy animal products.

Some people may also avoid foods that use animal ingredients, such as gelatin, sugars derived from animal bones, and processed foods made with animal fat.

Benefits of plant-based diets:

- Support the immune system

- Help lower blood pressure levels

- Fight inflammation

- Aids weight loss

If you are thinking about starting a plant-based diet, here are some suggestions:

- Fill half of your plate with vegetables, especially green leafy ones such as kale, collards, Swiss chard, spinach, and other greens.

- Make salads the main dish and add plenty of veggies, nuts, beans, peas, or tofu for protein.

- Choose healthy fats such as olive oil, olives, avocado, nuts, nut butter with no added salt or sugar, and seeds.

- Incorporate beans as a protein source at least once a week.

- Include whole grains, like oats, quinoa, buckwheat, or barley, in your breakfast.

- Choose fruits as a dessert.

In conclusion

While our bodies can extract nutrients from plants and animals, a plant-based diet offers unparalleled benefits for our overall well-being. A diet rich in plant-based foods can improve health, sustain weight management, and reduce the risk of chronic diseases.

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1 Comment

Frank Cabrera
2 days ago

Excellent information, thank you Dr. Cardona!

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