The terms healthy, balanced, and adequate diet are closely related but have different meanings in the context of diet and nutrition:
Nutrition is a broader concept focusing on understanding our body's nutrient needs and how foods fulfill them. On the other hand, diet is related to the foods we put on our plates and eat. Of course, these two concepts are interrelated.
We must consider other concepts, such as food and nutrients, to understand these concepts.
Foods provide the nutrients, water, and fiber essential for maintaining vital functions, growth, tissue repair, and energy production. Foods can be of plant origin, such as fruits, vegetables, cereals, legumes, and seeds; animal origin, such as meats, eggs, milk, and its derivatives; and minerals, such as water and salt.
Nutrients are the chemical compounds called carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, and minerals contained in foods that provide the body with the energy and raw materials it needs to function, grow, and regenerate. Each of these nutrients has a specific function in the functioning of our body.
Many of the foods we eat contain several of these nutrients. For example, When we eat a portion of meat, we do not eat "proteins" per se (nutrient); we eat meat (food) that contains proteins, among other nutrients such as fats and vitamins.
Healthy nutrition and diet
Healthy nutrition refers to eating habits and food choices that promote overall well-being and is associated with the nutritional quality of the foods we eat. Healthy nutrition is tailored to maintain long-term health, control weight, and support vital body functions.
A person has a healthy diet following the precepts of healthy nutrition based on natural foods rich in nutrients (such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats), limiting processed foods, added sugars, and unhealthy fats.
Balanced Nutrition and Diet.
Balanced nutrition depends on how much nutrients our body needs to function correctly.
It ensures that no nutrient is consumed in excess or deficiency and is generated by standard public health guidelines that help the population stay healthy. It is often visualized through tools such as the food pyramid or the MyPlate guidelines, which recommend distributing food groups in a specific way at each meal, where half of the plate should contain vegetables and fruits and the other half proteins and cereals, with the addition of water, and dairy products, and their derivatives.
A person has a balanced diet when consuming a sufficient quantity and variety of foods to ensure that the body has the necessary nutrients for adequate functioning based on the guidelines generated by the entities in charge of promoting health and well-being.
Adequate Nutrition and Diet
Besides meeting a person's basic nutritional needs, adequate nutrition considers other variables that affect caloric and nutrient needs. These needs are different for men and women and vary throughout their lives depending on their condition (whether they are a child, adolescent, adult, or elderly person), whether they are sedentary or active, whether they are healthy or suffering from an illness, and in the case of a woman who is pregnant or breastfeeding.
A person has an adequate diet when considering the amount and type of food according to their specific conditions.
Personalized nutrition and diet
Personalized nutrition is more general and holistic, related to habits and food choices adapted to individual needs. Personalized nutrition, in addition to considering individual nutritional needs, adjusts to their intolerances and sensitivities, preferences, food availability, cultural aspects, and each individual's lifestyle.
People follow a personalized diet when they consume foods that meet the quality and quantity of nutrients their body needs according to their current state of life, health status, preferences, and lifestyle.
For instance, someone with lactose intolerance may substitute dairy with plant-based alternatives that meet their calcium needs.
Eating a healthy, adequate, and personalized diet can be a challenge. Some common challenges include knowing what and how much to eat in their daily meals, having recipes that include these foods, and how to prepare them properly, including foods that they like, that are available, and that fit their budget.
A person may think they have a healthy diet. Still, they consume a food group in more significant proportion and do not consume other groups, generating an imbalance in their nutrition.
This is why we must consume a diet with a variety of foods so that our body has a wide availability of nutrients.
Personalization is essential to adapt all these concepts to the individual so that they can have a better relationship with what they eat.
Ultimately, a personalized approach to nutrition ensures that individuals achieve a balanced and healthy diet tailored to their unique needs, fostering a better relationship with food and improved well-being.
Dr. Sandra Piedad Cardona, MD
Co-founder at Atuvera